

Monday, May 21, 2012

Welcome to "Creating a Sustainable Healthcare System"

Welcome to the Creating a Sustainable Healthcare Blog.  I am happy to have you as a reader!
With twenty plus years as a healthcare consultant, I have seen it ALL!  Administrators who don't know the names of their front line people, nurses who refuse to work with doctors, and conversely physicians who do not respect and work with nurses and other clinical staff.  The majority of the hospitals I have worked in, we couldn't get the leaders to understand a system. The gap between the leaders and the front line healthcare staff is WIDE. 

Here we are in 2012 with the three common barriers preventing resource optimization - 1. Misaligned incentives between hospitals and physicians, 2. Lack of discrete data systems to measure performance, and 3. Real or perceived lack of time and/or resources to implement initiatives.  The culture the leaders have created is brutal for the front line staff - tears, anxiety, and fear because they are being controlled and directed to carryout processes without collaboration and teamwork.

My ideal is to create a High-Performing Learning Organization -which involves: guiding, leading, communicating vision, developing strategy, teaching individuals to become process focused, implementing team decision making, disciplined problem solving, systematic organizational change, and empowered cross functional teams and individuals.
My hope is that this blog will provide interested readers with knowledge regarding healthcare systems and processes, that if implemented, actually provide RESULTS.  Knowledge is POWER and without it, our healthcare system will continue to be in a state of CHAOS.  Here is to the journey that we must embark on for CHANGE!