

Friday, January 24, 2014

U.S. Healthcare System Sorely Needs Quality - How Safe Is Your Hospital?

A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) said  a leaner, more quality-driven U.S. healthcare system will save money, improve care and produce better results.

The Insttute and it's report grabbed headlines last month for estimating the U.S. healthcare system sqaunders $750 billion each year through unneeded care, elaborate paperwork, fraud and other waste.  Also contributing to this alarming sitiuation is lack of communication, coordiantion, and quality.

An organized system that finds out what went wrong and where, and then allows the health system to correct those mistakes right way could save money and lives, the IOM report recommended.

The IOM report can be accessed at

The IOM report recommended that patients should know patient safety when they go in the hospital.

How safe is your hospital?  Check before you check in!

Grading Hospital Safety - About 180,000 Medicare patients die each year from hospitals accidents, errors, and infection according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Another 1.4 million are seriously hurt by their hospital care. 

So how safe is your hospital?  I'm Jim Tripp and you can send me email with . We can talk about Quality in the white water with healthcare.